Capitol Volkssport Club
Olympia, WA

CVC Year Round Walking Events - 2025

CVC offers 15 AVA Sanctioned year-round walking events for 2025.

Many of these events can be accessed via either the AVA Online Start Box or a physical start box, while some can only be accessed via the AVA Online Start Box.
To see which is the case for any particular walk, consult the individual walk descriptions. Most walks begin at the start point, but some start at another location; the directions will tell where to begin the walk.

When looking at the walk descriptions, pay attention to any holiday closures. Some start points are closed on certain holidays, meaning you will not be able to obtain the directions on those days. Unless stated otherwise, walks are available any day of the year, dawn till dusk.

Year round walking events:

Centralia Historic
Chehalis Historic
Chehalis Willapa Trail
Dupont Historic Village
Dupont Sequalitchew Creek
Lacey College and Park
Lacey Southeast
Olympia Capitol Downtown
Olympia Historic Eastside
Olympia Waterfronts
Olympia West Side Hills
Olympia Woodard Bay
Shelton Historic
Tumwater Historic Parks

Come Walk With Us!