Capitol Volkssport Club
Olympia, WA

CVC Year Round Event - Olympia Ward Lake - Deschutes River Walk

A street view
Kettle View Park
Ward Lake Park
Trail to the next neighborhood

Event: Olympia Ward Lake - Deschutes River Walk

ESVA Challenges: Frontline Heroes, Strolling Along The Rivers, 39 Counties Second Edition (Thurston)

AVA Special Programs: Rockin’ Around The Clock, Walking the United States – Capitals

AVA Sanction#/Distance/Rating: 122281 - 2023 / Y2133 - 10K with 6K option, both rated 1B

Description: Walk through south Olympia and north Tumwater neighborhoods visiting a small lake with fishing access and Pioneer Park along the banks of the Deschutes River.

Start/Finish Times: January 2 - December 30, dawn to dusk.

Accessibility/Amenities: Possible but difficult for strollers, not possible for wheelchairs. Pets are allowed. Restrooms are at the start point and at occasional points along the route.

A bodacious birdhouse
The Deschutes River
Pioneer Park Entrance
Pioneer Park

Registration: This event uses the Online Start Box (OSB) ONLY. Driving directions and start point information will be included with the walk directions.

To register using the OSB, go to AVA Login and follow the prompts.

Point of Contact: Carol Froelich at 360-292-0830 or via e-mail to

Ice cream when you are done, perhaps ...
Come Walk With Us!