Capitol Volkssport Club
Olympia, WA
What it says ...
A kite up high

CVC Special Event

Back To The Beach Club Trip, August 13-15, 2024

This event includes six walks in and around Ocean Shores, WA.

A lone seagull

Event: Back To The Beach Club Trip to Ocean Shores and vicinity, WA.

CVC is planning a special walking event for friends and family next August 13-15, 2024. And yes, dogs are welcome. We will drive to Grays Harbor on Tuesday, August 13th, walk Aberdeen in the morning as a group, and move on to Ocean Shores for an afternoon walk. People will be on their own to check into their accommodations and find dinner.

Wednesday, August 14th will be a day spent on the North Beach, with group walks in Moclips and Seabrook. Those who wish to may dine together Wednesday night at the Pizza Factory (formerly Alex's) near the roundabout in Ocean Shores. Closer to the date we will ask for a head count, in order to make the dinner reservation.

Thursday morning, August 15th, will feature another of the Ocean Shores YREs and then a walk of the Hoquiam YRE on our way home.

Walk Names, Distances, Ratings:

  • Tuesday AM - Aberdeen Walk - 10K with 5K option - 1A
  • Tuesday PM - Ocean Shores Area Walk - 10K with 5K option - 1A/1C
  • Wednesday AM - Seabrook Walk - 10K with 5K option - 1A
  • Wednesday PM - Moclips Walk - 10K with 5K option - 1C
  • Thursday AM - Ocean Shores Area Walk - 10K with 5K option - 1A/1C
  • Thursday PM - Hoquiam Walk - 10K with 5K option - 1A

Start points and times for these walks can be found here.

A walk on Damon Point
Beach houses at Seabrook
A herd of birds
Window in the driftwood
Beach cabins at Moclips
The river mouth at Pacific Beach

Facilities/Pets: Restrooms and water will be available at restaurants or stores (where they exist) along the routes. Pets are permitted but NOT in buildings. Owners must observe leash and clean up laws.

Lodging: It’s not too early to reserve a room! This event occurs during the summer, so it would be prudent to make hotel reservations early. We advise you make your reservations now at a place which will allow you to cancel later, if you are unable to attend. Please remember that Ocean Shores is a convention town and that August is during high season (most popular and most expensive). Why are we going then? Because you asked for better weather (so keep your fingers crossed) and summer time-frame. We chose mid-week, which is less expensive and has more rooms available. If you’re still working, please request vacation for these three days, as we really want you to join us!

Options: We want to keep this trip flexible, so more people can participate. Many of us live close enough to Ocean Shores to go down for one day, if staying overnight is not possible. If you don’t want to do that much walking, you will be able to pick and choose which walks you wish to do. There will be 5 k and 10 k versions of all the walks, and we will schedule group walks of all events. In addition, it will be possible to walk individually, if that works better for your schedule. We wish to provide something for everyone at the beach, one of our favorite places. Stay tuned, as more information becomes available.

Weather will be provided; hope to see you there!

Seabrook pines
Low tide
A Viking longship
The beach steps at Seabrook
Snowy owl at Damon Point
What is it?
Come Walk With Us!